Here comes the first day of CNY :)
my family and I went to pavilion to watch the movie. 家有喜事 2009
a very very funny movie wei.. hahaha
and louis koo,古天乐 is really sooooo handsome laaa. oh my god! :D
after the movie,we plan to have our dinner at i-dragon
but unfortunately,i-dragon does not open laaa :(
therefore we decided to have our dinner at ichiban ramen :))
here's some photo which taken during the first day of CNY....
MY SISTER & ME. yea, my sister is just 9 years old :)

daddy & me : )

dad & mum :D
poh poh and sister :)
mummy and me :D
that's all for the day..... :D
ohya,i lose rm200 during gambling at Chun Yeow's house last night
ishh.. ><"
Lastly,I'm here to wish every a very happy chinese new year :)
恭喜发财 gong hei fat choy
万事如意 man si yu yi
心想事成 sam seung si sheng
身体健康 san tai gin hong
步步高升 bou bou gou sheng
年年有余 lin lin yao yu
岁岁平安 sui sui ping on
生意兴隆 sang yi hing long
马到功成 ma dou gong sheng
一本万利 yat bun man lei
出入平安 chuk yap ping on
学业进步 hok yip chun bou
一帆风顺 yat fan fong shun
洋洋得意 yong yong dak yi
gong hei gong hei :D

p/s: happy 19 birthday Janize Chia Yin Tzin. Take good care, may all your wishes and dreams come true :D
happy birthday, sang yat fai lok, selamat hari jadi, 生日快乐 :)
my family and I went to pavilion to watch the movie. 家有喜事 2009
a very very funny movie wei.. hahaha
and louis koo,古天乐 is really sooooo handsome laaa. oh my god! :D

but unfortunately,i-dragon does not open laaa :(
therefore we decided to have our dinner at ichiban ramen :))
here's some photo which taken during the first day of CNY....
daddy & me : )
that's all for the day..... :D
ohya,i lose rm200 during gambling at Chun Yeow's house last night
ishh.. ><"
Lastly,I'm here to wish every a very happy chinese new year :)
恭喜发财 gong hei fat choy
万事如意 man si yu yi
心想事成 sam seung si sheng
身体健康 san tai gin hong
步步高升 bou bou gou sheng
年年有余 lin lin yao yu
岁岁平安 sui sui ping on
生意兴隆 sang yi hing long
马到功成 ma dou gong sheng
一本万利 yat bun man lei
出入平安 chuk yap ping on
学业进步 hok yip chun bou
一帆风顺 yat fan fong shun
洋洋得意 yong yong dak yi
gong hei gong hei :D

p/s: happy 19 birthday Janize Chia Yin Tzin. Take good care, may all your wishes and dreams come true :D
happy birthday, sang yat fai lok, selamat hari jadi, 生日快乐 :)
Reagan oh-my-god your mummy so HOT
and your little sister so cute
you look handsome also la =P
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